Parts Details

This screen shows the history for a particular part, as well as the current orders and shipments for that part.

Parts History

The screen is broken into several functional areas for the selected part:

1. Expedited Parts

If Sun Hydraulics has designated your part to be expedited, you will see the "Expedite" yellow icon displayed. Likewise, if Sun Hydraulics has requested an NDA, you will see that icon as well. Sun may also add a note (in red) for the expedited part.

2. Supplier Expedite Notes

If the current part has designated your part to be expedited, you will be able to enter a message to Sun Hydraulics - including the quantity, estimated delivery date, and custom note. To edit or add the note, click the small "pencil" icon.

3. Part Usage Chart

Click here to view the Part Usage Chart. This graph displays the total quantity per month, for the current part, that have been ordered over the past year. This will show you trends with parts, and anticipate order quantities and adjust inventory levels accordingly.

4. Parts History - Current Orders

This shows a color coded list of all part numbers matching the one that the user selected on the Parts Summary Screen. You can click on any column header to sort by that field. These are color-coded in the same manner as the orders on the summary screen. Each item in this list IS A SEPARATE ORDER, and they are listed and color-coded according to the order due date.

5. Parts History - Shipments

Shipping Detail for selected order

This is a detailed list of each shipment put against a particular order. You can click on any column header to sort by that field. The system allows multiple partial shipments against each order. Here you can see the ship date, amounts, packing slips, and comments on each shipment. You can add new shipments, for the current part, here -- or alternately, add bulk shipments via the Shipments screen.

Add New Shipment

Pressing this button will add a new shipment for the currently selected part. Simply fill in the Shipping Detail, and click the 'Add New Shipment' button to save when done. The [Date Shipped] field will default to the current date, and the [Facility] field will default as well (if the particular part is handled by a single facility).

Edit Shipment

Click the small, yellow pencil in the shipping grid to edit the shipment details. You will be able to edit the shipment data directly in the grid. After you are done, simply click on the 'Save' (disk icon) to save your changes.

Delete Shipment.

Click the small, black 'X' in the shipping grid to delete the selected shipment.

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