
The Reports screen offers a whole set of reporting and data export functions.

The screen is divided into two functional areas: the report builder bar on the left, and the result grid on the right. There are several pre-defined reports that are selectable via the “Select Report Type” dropdown box at the top of the report builder bar. The available options are:

Custom Report

This is the default report that is selected when the report screen opens. It allows you to select any of the parameters define a customized report.

Shipped Orders

This report shows only the current orders in the system that have been tagged as shipped.

Late Orders

This report returns all of the order that are past due.

Last 6 months usage

A summary of all the parts ordered within the last six months, and the quantities ordered of each part.

If anything other than the “Custom Report” is selected, then some or all of the report parameters are locked out and unable to be modified. You can, however, see what parameters are used to make the report.


Let’s assume we want to see a report of all the orders for “XYZ” parts due from 7/1/2005 to 10/1/2005 that you have already shipped, and we want that report sorted by Due Date, and then Ship Date. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Enter the part number in the “Search Part Number” field,

  2. Make sure the “Current Orders” option is set,

  3. Select “Due Date” under “Search Date Fields”,

  4. Enter the From and To date in the appropriate fields.

  5. Note: They can be typed in, or click the “Calendar” button to select dates from a calendar.

  6. Check the “Show Only Shipped Orders” check box,

Now that your report options are set, click the “Run Web Report” button, and the results will be shown on the grid to the right. If there are multiple pages of results, you will see a series of numbers (1 2 3 4…) at the top left of the result grid. These are hyperlinks to the result pages. Click on a page number to jump to it.

Once report results are displayed, you can export the results to a Microsoft Word document for printing, or Microsoft Excel if you wish to use the data and perform more customized reports or analysis. Simply click “Export to Printable Word Doc” or “Export to Excel Sheet”.

NOTE: You need to have Microsoft Word or Excel on your machine to use this function.


There are two data sources you can run reports against. Current orders or Historical Archives.

Current Orders are outstanding orders on the system for product that has not yet been received by Sun Hydraulics. Generally speaking, the reports running against this source will be based on current demand; attempting to run a report on historical data (say all “XYZ” parts shipped in the last 12 months) will not work because those orders drop off the system once they are received at Sun.

Historical Archives are old orders that have been received by Sun. Reports run against this source are looking at past demand, attempting to run a forward projecting report (say all “XYZ” parts NOT shipped) will not work.

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